Fiber To The Home
LPC Connect is excited to bring La Porte City future-proof communications technology. It is all part of our commitment to provide exceptional customer service to our customers. Fiber to the Home offers many advantages to residential customers and businesses alike and prepares everyone to enjoy an even greater selection of communications options in the future.
What is Fiber to the Home?
Fiber to the Home (FTTH) refers to the installation and use of fiber optic cables to carry digital information directly to homes and businesses. These cables are made up of hundreds or thousands of fiber optics, which are long thin strands of pure glass about the diameter of a human hair.
FTTH replaces the duplicate infrastructure that telephone and cable companies previously installed in neighborhoods. Fiber has a higher bandwidth capacity and can easily transmit applications like telephone and Internet with plenty of capacity left over for other applications in the future.
Fiber to the Home (FTTH) technology will allow telecommunications services to
be transported over fiber optic cables-the best technology available. Fiber has virtually unlimited capacity to bring telephone, Internet, digital television, and other services to subscribers – with very high quality and reliability.
Download a copy of the FTTH Brochure below
What are the Benefits of the Fiber To The Home?
FTTH provides many benefits to LPC Connect customers including:
More Bandwidth
Fiber has the capability to transport virtually unlimited bandwidth. This will accommodate today’s demand for high speed Internet connections as well as the advanced applications of tomorrow. The closer the fiber is to a home or business, the more bandwidth will be available for the end user.
Greater Reliability
Fiber optic cables are less susceptible to glitches than traditional copper wires and can withstand the shock and vibration from inclement weather.
Future Flexibility
FTTH is considered “future proof” and offers the flexibility to deliver additional services in the years to come.
Cost Efficiency
Fiber optic cable can be made for less than the equivalent length of copper wire and is more durable. Although the FTTH project requires expenditures now, it will save LPC Connect money in the future while keeping us at the forefront of technology.
Fiber To The Home Frequently Asked Questions
Why is LPC Connect constructing fiber to the home?
As your local telecommunications provider, LPC Connect is installing the most advanced technology – fiber optics – to ensure that residents continue to receive the highest-quality service at the most affordable rates. The fiber optic network will deliver great sound quality and high levels of reliability. In addition, the fiber network will provide the increased bandwidth needed to offer faster Internet speeds and whatever exciting new services the future brings.
What’s so great about fiber optics?
Business and home owners are using technologies that require more and more bandwidth. Fiber optics is the only medium that can keep up with the bandwidth demand. A single hair-thin optical fiber can carry up to 1,000 times as much information as copper (traditional telephone network material) or coax (traditional cable television network material). Fiber networks are extremely reliable and can carry multiple voice, data, or video streams into the same house at the same time!
When will my services be transferred to the fiber optic network?
Watch your mail for a letter that announces that we are ready to schedule your activation. Once you receive this letter, the sooner you call, the sooner we will be able to connect you to the Fiber To The Home Network.
I like my service the way it is now. Do I have to switch over to fiber?
Yes. LPC Connect is moving all of its services over to the fiber network for those customers living in La Porte City. There will be no additional charge to customers who subscribe to telephone or telephone and Internet service associated with this construction.
What will happen when LPC Connect arrives to activate my fiber optic network service?
After you schedule an appointment to have your fiber service activated, technicians will arrive at the appointed day and time. You need to be present during the activation as our technicians will need access inside your home or business. The technician will bring a power cord into your house through the basement to an electrical outlet. The technician will bring an Ethernet cable to where your DSL modem is currently located. (With fiber optics, you will no longer need a modem.)
What kind of Internet speed will I have after you upgrade my house to fiber optics?
Fiber has the capacity to deliver virtually unlimited Internet speeds. The Internet speeds that are available when the network construction is complete will be influenced by customer demand and the competitive environment. We anticipate the Internet speeds will more than double.
Will I be charged for the fiber optic network activation?
There will be no additional charges for your upgrade to fiber optics unless you choose to add new services to your account. However, if you choose not to allow LPC Connect to construct fiber optics to your home or business, there may be additional monthly fees, construction fees, or termination of your service associated with that decision in the future.
Is LPC Connect going to offer television service?
Yes! LPC Connect’s FusionTV is one of the many new services that a fiber optics network will enable LPC Connect to offer customers. Thanks to the state-of-the-art fiber optic network, you’ll enjoy crystal-clear picture and sound quality. FusionTV provides a new and enhanced television viewing experience that includes:
- TV Caller ID
- Whole-Home DVR
- Parental controls
- Exclusive weather and gaming apps
All from a local team that is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.