Dave Powell has been a cornerstone of the La Porte City Telephone Company for over four decades. Beginning his career as a part-time locator during his college years, Dave never imagined that he would remain with the company for so long, let alone rise to the position he holds today.

The technological landscape has undergone significant transformations since Dave first trained on party lines and jelly-filled copper facilities. The shift from dial-up to DSL was a significant advancement, but the advent of fiber optics opened a world of endless possibilities. Dave takes pride in LPC Connect’s forward-thinking adoption of cutting-edge technologies, ensuring customers in La Porte City and Mt. Auburn have access to advanced global opportunities.

Reflecting on his career, Dave is particularly excited about the future now that Alpine Communications has acquired LPC Connect. He firmly believes that the company is in good hands and that Alpine will continue to prioritize customers while keeping pace with technological advancements.

One of Dave’s most memorable experiences was the flood that impacted their customers in 2008. Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to putting customers first, Dave recalls driving 50 miles around the Cedar River flooding to reach customers without service. This dedication exemplifies the principles of LPC Connect.

For those entering the telecommunications industry, Dave offers valuable advice: embrace technology and get hands-on experience. Technology is here to stay and will continue to evolve, requiring ongoing support and expertise. Dave encourages newcomers to see LPC Connect as a reliable resource for assistance and to get involved in industry organizations. He himself was actively involved in the Rural Iowa Independent Telephone Association (RIITA), which later merged with the Iowa Telecommunications Association (ITA) to form the Iowa Communications Alliance (ICA). His favorite part of this involvement was attending the annual convention, which brought together industry professionals from across the state to learn about the latest trends.

As Dave looks forward to retirement, he has a list of activities and projects he is eager to tackle. He plans to spend more time golfing, enjoying his cabin on the Mississippi, and completing various projects around the house.

Dave Powell’s career is a testament to dedication, adaptability, and a deep commitment to service. As he transitions into retirement, his legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire those at LPC Connect and beyond.

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